If you’ve decided to purchase an electric or motorized skateboard, there are some factors that you’ll need to consider before making a final decision.
Electric skateboards are growing more popular every year. With new companies popping up on Kickstarter each month, you may be wondering yourself why you never jumped on the trend. However, even though there is plenty of competition abroad, there is no top brand to choose from.
Although there are popular brands such as Boosted and Inboard, they seem to be losing steam and have high prices at around $1500 per board. Keep in mind, that is enough to buy a used motorcycle.
However, more brands are becoming well recognized, but you’ll still need to know how to weed out which ones are the best for you. Luckily for you, in this article, we will be going over the top five tips on what to consider when buying your very own electric skateboard.
Let’s take a closer look at the most important considerations that must be made so that you can make the most informed choice possible.
1. Range of Usage
In other words, what are you going to be using the electric skateboard for? Is it merely a toy that you are purchasing to have fun with or will you be using it to commute from place to place? Before choosing an electric or motorized skateboard, be sure that it can handle the mileage you are about to put on it. If you will be relying on the skateboard for transportation purposes, it is important to know whether you’ll be able to get from point A to point B without having to worry about mileage.
2. Weight
This is a factor that is not often considered, as those who purchase an electric or motorized skateboard will typically focus on the aesthetic appeal, as opposed to the functionality. However, if you’re going to be using your motorized skateboard for longer trips, you’ll want to make sure that it is not too heavy. Otherwise, you could end up having to lug home a board that’s hard to carry once it runs out of juice and leaves you stranded.
3. Performance
Choosing your electric skateboard is similar to selecting a car. There are plenty of different ones to pick, but it all comes down to how you will use it and the ease of comfort it provides. For an electric board, this includes how long it can last, board shape, wheel, type, etc.
Some boards are designed to handle longer trips, while other boards are designed to provide a pleasurable short-term journey. Electric and motorized skateboards are much like resistance bands, and different brands are designed for different purposes. Some electric skateboards can simply be purchased off the shelf, while others are quality longboards with a well-constructed motor. The more you know about the expected performance of the board, the better.
4. Pricing
Striking a balance between getting your money’s worth and getting the best value possible can be challenging, which is why you’ll want to make sure that you are not merely choosing the electric skateboard that costs the least. If the board is an off the shelf product from China, it may cost less than a board with professionally branded skate parts, but it may also lack a certain amount of durability. Do some comparison shopping and try to bear in mind that you are always going what you pay for, for better and for worse.
Your price range is an important consideration to make before looking for your electric skateboard. You want to try to find the product that will give you the most bang for your buck. It is important to determine what features are important to you before settling on a budget.
There are a few factors you should keep in mind when setting your budget:
- Professional branded parts are more expensive and a higher quality than off shelf boardsLithium is more costly than lead acid
- Lithium is more costly than lead acid
- Getting a longer range means that the battery will cost more
- An off the shelf board will be cheaper than a hand-crafted model
An off the shelf board will be cheaper than a hand-crafted model Electric skateboards are available in a range of prices and different materials. In general, you get what you pay for. The more you are willing to put down, the better product you will be able to get.
Electric skateboards are available in a range of prices and different materials. In general, you get what you pay for. The more you are willing to put down, the better product you will be able to get.
5. Wattage of the Motor
Power numbers on electric skateboard product descriptions only tell part of the story. Motors aren’t as cut and dry as a simple number and depend on controller specifics as well as gear ratios.
When you adjust the motor on an electric skateboard, it changes the gear ratio, which can affect the speed and torque. The only real way to see the performance of an e-board is to look at customer videos and reviews to tell if it is the right choice for you.
Read customer reviews and watch videos before purchasing an electric or motorized skateboard, so that you can learn more about the wattage of the motor and what it can do for you. While the listed power numbers are pivotal, they are not going to tell you the entire story. Motor controller parameters and gear ratios go a long way towards painting a full picture.
6. Motor Type
The two main types of motors to choose from for your electric skateboard is a hub motor or a belt-driven system. Initially, the majority of e-boards on the market were using belt-driven systems, but it recently changed to hub motors for their efficiency, low maintenance, less need for leg pushing, and quiet noise. Especially with electric skateboards found on Kickstarter, hub motors are more popular among the e-board community.
7. Deck Materials
In general, you will find electric skateboards that are made out of one of two types of materials. Boards are made of either bamboo or carbon fiber/fiberglass.
You may also find some boards that are made of a combination of the two types of materials. However, most often, you will find boards made of one or the other.
The material of the deck has an effect on the ride and the flexibility of the board. Fiberglass boards are stiffer, while bamboo boards are more flexible.